Software - INSTALL Verlihub


Dependencies and installation


* Required dependencies:

[ bin lib hdr ] GCC 4.8.0

[ bin --- hdr ] CMake 2.8.12

[ bin lib hdr ] MySQL 5.7.1

[ --- lib hdr ] OpenSSL 1.1.0

[ --- lib hdr ] LibICU 55.0

[ bin --- --- ] Make

[ --- lib hdr ] ZLib

[ --- lib hdr ] PCRE

[ --- lib hdr ] GetText

[ --- lib hdr ] MaxMindDB

[ -- ] LibIntl

[ -- ] Crypt

[ -- ] Threads

[ -- ] DL

* Optional dependencies:

[ --- lib hdr ] Lua 5.2

[ --- lib hdr ] Python 2.7

[ --- lib hdr ] PERL 5.20

[ bin --- --- ] Dialog

* Install dependencies on Debian:

sudo apt install libpcre3-dev libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev libmaxminddb-dev libicu-dev gettext libasprintf-dev g++ make cmake

* Optional dependencies

sudo apt install python2.7-dev liblua5.2-dev libperl-dev

* Install dependencies on CentOS:


* Install dependencies on Gentoo:


* Install dependencies on RedHat:


* Install dependencies on ArchLinux:


* Compile and install Verlihub itself:

cd verlihub

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..


make install (as super user)

ldconfig (as super user, this is required only when you get: cannot open shared object file, no such file or directory)

updatedb (as super user, people say this command is needed to update slocate locations)


Supported CMake options


-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr (default: /usr/local)

install prefix

-DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=<lib prefix> (default: lib)

install lib to <prefix for install>/<lib prefix>


-DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=lib64 - install lib to <prefix for install>/lib64

-DPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=<plugin prefix> (default: <lib prefix>)

install plugins to <prefix for install>/<plugin prefix>




End of file


Posted by root on 2023-09-05 07:46:30


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