
L Name Description Version Download
ApexDC++ ApexDC++ x64 A basic English Windows (A)DC TLS 1.3 1.6.5 Download
ApexDC++ ApexDC++ x64 A basic English Windows (A)DC TLS 1.3 1.6.5 Download
ApexDC++ Скачать ApexDC++ Windows x64 rus, русский 1.6.5 скачать
ApexDC++ Скачать ApexDC++ Windows x86 rus, русский 1.6.5 скачать
ApexDC++ Client ApexDC++ x64 instalare - configurare - huburi 1.6.5 Download
ApexDC++ Client ApexDC++ x86 instalare - configurare - huburi 1.6.5 Download
Change Nick - File - Settings - General - Change Nick - OK
Search Hubs - View - Public Hubs - Search New Hubs
Posted by root on 2023-08-22 06:05:00 | 0 comments


StrongDC++ is a FlylinkDC++ fork with TLS support for NMDC hubs.

L Name Description Version Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, English (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 Multilanguage --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, English (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Клиенты DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, (русский) (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- скачать
StrongDC++ Клиенты DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, (русский) (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- скачать
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, Romania (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, Romania (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Клиенты DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, (українською) (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- скачать
StrongDC++ Клиенты DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, (українською) (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- скачать
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, Hungary (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, Hungary (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, Lithuania (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, Lithuania (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x64, Poland (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
StrongDC++ Client DC++ StrongDC++ Windows x86, Poland (A)DC Client TLS 1.3 --- Download
Change Language - File - Settings - General - Language - Change Language - OK - Restart Client
Change Nick - File - Settings - General - Change Nick - OK
Search Hubs - View - Internet Hubs - Search New Hubs
Как сменить язык? Файл\Настройки\Основные\Язык\ОК\Перезапустить клиент
Как сменить никнейм? Файл\Настройки\Основные\Смена ника\ОК
Поиск хабов: Вид\Интернет хабы\Поиск\
Posted by root on 2023-08-22 06:04:37 | 0 comments


Dc++ Guide

What is a HUB ?

[b]A hub is a kind of router that allows dc++ clients to interconnect with themselves. It's not called a server because it doesn't host any files, it just makes the necessary connections ( such as chatting, search request and search results ) . All file transfers are made between clients not within the hub.

Where to get a DC++ Client?







How do I install a DC++ Client?

After downloading the software you will have to double click the .exe icon in order to install the client.

Setting a nickname:

This setting is made via settings: File -> Settings -> General. On some of the hubs it is required to have a nickname in this format "[Country][City][Isp]nickname"

Connection type setting

This setting is here: File -> Settings -> Connection Settings : Active or Pasive

The connections between users work this way :





It is recommended that you use ACTIVE for the connections if possible.

Download Folder:

This setting is here: File -> Settings -> Downloads: Default download directory( use "Browse" )Temporary download folder (used for temporary files)This setting is here: File -> Settings -> Downloads -> Unfinished downloads directory ( use "Browse")

Setting share size:

This setting is here: File -> Settings -> Sharing -> Add folder . Each hub has a specific share size. Make sure that you have the requested share size otherwise you can get redirecter or kicked on that HUB.

How do I insert a DC hublist into a DC client?

DCHBLIST.BIZ provides a DIRECT CONNECT Hublist for NMDC and ADC PROTOCOLS. Click here for an ilustrated howto.

What is an Operator?

An operator is a person that takes care of HUB it's users and shared files.Operatos can eliminate temporarily or permanent any user at their free choice. Operators will have a key icon.

What is a BOT ?

A BOT is a program that automatically watches the traffic on a hub and scans it to detect the abusive conduct of the users such as spam, forbidden files and fake share. Usually does what an operator can do but with the restrictions of an automatic program.

How can I configure my own hub ?

If the active mode on DC++ doesn't work for You - You shouldn't even try. If it works, download a hub soft, install it and then run it . Set the program and try to connect to your recent created HUB .If it doesn't work try the firewall settings. Then your hub should be in the hubs list for you to have users.


Full list of supported HUB software. (Please choose actively developed software. Some are listed below).

PtokaX (Platform Win / Linux) [Protocol: NMDC ]

Verlihub (Linux OS) [Protocol: NMDC ]

LUADCHUB (Windows / Linux) [Protocol: ADC+ADCS ]

uHub (Linux OS) [Protocol: ADC+ADCS ]

My search has no results. Why ?

The reason is usually NAT (Network Address Translation -- used for sharing an internet connection to a group of computers) or the firewall . The easiest way to fix this problem is to change on the passive mode but in this situation you will not be able to connect to other users who are also passive . If you want to fix the active mode then see the section "Active or passive" of this guide.

What is my IP ?

The IP is a succession of 4 ciphers contained between 0 and 255 separed by dots . The IP directs all the traffic towards the respective destination in the TCP/IP networks . you can see the IP double clicking on the network icon on the taskbar.Another option is to type IPCONFIG or WINIPCFG on a DOS window. If your ip is internal ( - - - - -, try the following addresses to find your external IP :

Your IP:

If you use a proxy or cache for your browser the IP is not correct. Try to deactivate these services and retry the addresses above.Also if your IP is dynamic ( changes every time you connect to the internet ) you will have to insert the IP in the IP box in DC++ .

A hub requires a password . Why ?

Some hubs offer privileges to users or maybe the nickname you use is registered to another user that already has that name.

What is fake share ?

[size=15px]Using an application separate or a modified client the share is risen falsely . This is a forbidden method and will be punished by the hub operators

Website Dchublist Dc Hubs international


Posted by root on 2023-08-22 06:03:31 | 0 comments