
Client https://dchublists.com/clients/FlylinkDC_x64.exe
Status Online | ID: 148
URL https://dchublists.com/siava
Address NMDC | dchub://siava.ru
ASN SkyNet Ltd.
Failover Not available
Name <siava.ru>
Topic Not available
Description <Hub of the Sertolovo City>
Category Not available
Software PtokaX
Owner admin@siava.ru
Location RU Russian Federation
Users 32 | 117
Clones 1
Share 35.07 TB | 146.51 TB
User limit 25500
Share limit 0 B
Slot limit 1
Hub limit 0
Reliability 99.84%
Checked 2025-03-12 02:05:23 | 2017-11-02
Votes +0 | -0 | 0
Website Not available
Email admin@siava.ru

Online users

Nick Share
PtokaX 0 B
-Samul- 63.68 GB
Alaraf_R553 677.07 GB
DaymarixZZZ 37.73 GB
HVM1 126.10 GB
Helga 24.16 GB
Jukebox 914.18 GB
Kennet 11.91 GB
La_Termine696 0 B
Larsenv 0 B
Monkey_gNJHf 351.21 GB
Serg_777 3.51 TB
WeR 9.01 TB
Westling 77.14 GB
Zawdfgreweft 35.25 GB
[fly]Cow_B_R371 141.70 GB
[fly]Jocker_fps 1.04 TB
beholder 301.84 GB
doctor-b 36.21 GB
erj6745 457.15 GB
ghf59reuy1 77.14 GB
hatari 34.35 GB
ikjlm35909оо0 1.04 TB
j-12 114.71 GB
kirik778[svao] 8.35 TB
marss1 23.02 GB
pancus_23 49 GB
thisguy 303.92 GB
wimmer 603.89 GB
y2b4k698df_R398 261.82 GB
ДедаЛенин 23.01 GB
гена-субтитрымои 7.47 TB


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